Nasofix Review - Before and After Nasofix UPDATE

Monday, October 17, 2011
So its almost 17 days since I used nasofix and I was too busy to put an update after 15 days so I am about 2 days late. Better late than never.

So for those who havent read my first post, I basically purchased nasofix online from for 25.90 USD and it was delivered at home last october 01, 2011. My nose is really not that good specially in viewing my side profile since its bulbous and I have quite a significant hump at the top bridge.

It is a grey nose brace like device that could reshape the nose. It arrived looking like that and I am very disappointed since I am expecting there is a box and instruction but it has none. Though it has a film sheet that says "go to for instructions" something like that.

Anyways, I used it using my common sense, Clipping the silicone thing at the widest part of my nose. The site says it emits heat but I am wondering why I do not feel any heat as well. I am really afraid that my device was defective.

I took a photo October 01, 2011 and another one at October 17,2011 after a total of 17 days usage.

There is no doubt that this device works as advertised since I saw significant changes after 17 days. Noticed that my hump was gone and my bulbous nose became narrow as well. This device works in ways more than I expected and Imagined considering that I am the most skeptic person in the world (I believe) I think the product could replicate the effect of surgery without pain and risks.

Many of my friends are beginning to ask who my surgeon is and they really do not believe I am just using a plain nose brace, I can't blame them since they are as skeptic as I am.

I emailed their customer support and ask how long should I continue and they said for 2 months more so I can achieve a permanent effect. I will update again in 2 months and beyond to let you know if the effect is permanent.

For now, I suggest getting this product since it's really GOOD. So good plastic surgeons will be jobless once this product is discovered by the majority. I suggest don't blog too much about this product as advertising it too much might increase the demand and increase the product price like what is happening to majority of good products on the net having their price sky rockets to unaffordable proportion. 

Cosmelan Review

Monday, October 10, 2011

Cosmelan | Buy cosmelan | Cosmelan ingredients

Cosmelan Treatment For Hyperpigmentation

This is a skin lightening product that works in two parts. It is produced by a laboratory located in the USA.Cosmelan is used to treat those with hyperpigmentation that is a result of melasma, chloasma, exposure to sun, and PIH. Prices for the treatments are not listed on the laboratory's website, but spas have listed the rate at $500 to $1000. Mesoestetic USA is a stable company that provides a varied array of products for skincare, available for both in home and professional use.

Description About Cosmelan -

Used to treat several types of hyperpigmentation, Cosmelan works by stopping the production of melanin. This is accomplished by the blockage of tyrosinase, an enzyme that is essential in the production of melanin. It has been stated by one treatment center in particular that Cosmelan is very effective. One website has claims that blemishes improve by 95 percent within the first week.
Cosmelan 2 is a cream that is applied at home, while Cosmelan 1 is the initial mask treatment that is performed by professionals. Offices that provide this treatment have stated that some flaking and skin reddening will happen in the three to four days following the initial application.

Cosmelan Advantages -

  • Many types of hyperpigmentation are treated
  • Effective in relief
  • Producer has stable experience with skincare products

Cosmelan Drawbacks -

  • Flaking and reddening of skin
  • Initial treatment is not provided as an option
  • Exact cost not known

Cosmelan Bottom Line -

This is a quality product that seems to deliver extraordinary results. The most major drawback is the fact that only the second treatment can be performed in the home of the consumer. The initial mask must be completed in a professional facility, making this product not easily obtainable for all consumers who could benefit from its use.

Nasofix Review - Product arrived today! So excited!!!

Saturday, October 1, 2011
Alright, so the product arrived today from singapore! so excited im going to try it out now. It arrived after 11 days I guess. Im from USA by the way.

here are the pictures of the product upon arrival, I tore the blue packaging so excitedly ^ ^ I just blurred out my name and address.

It is packed in a big blue plastic thing. 

In total, the device is very protected as I opened 4 seals before This thing could come up. The big blue plastic envelope, another envelope and another casing then another transparent envelope and finally, the bubble cover of the device. Is this made of gold or something? It is so well guarded. Nice packaging. The company is really dedicated in protecting the device inside.

So as soon as I opened it, I immediately used it. I read some reviews of nasofix they are all good but most of them says that its kinda uncomfortable but using it, I dont feel pain or discomfort, the only thing I feel is the warmth that the transparent thing at the tip is emitting.

I used it for like 15 minutes at first and basically its comfortable enough that I used it again for 15 minutes after a short while.

Now, we need to see if this thing really works!

Await my next post after 15 days! :)

Etude BB Cream - Trying it out

Monday, September 26, 2011
Just bought Etude BB cream today... will try it out and will comment on it after a few days :)

Nasofix Review - I just ordered Nasofix today. Will it work on my bulbous crooked nose?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

I just ordered Nasofix a few minutes ago. Will try this out if it really works. I will keep you updated once the item was shipped.

The product costs 29.50 USD and they deliver 10 to 15 days worldwide. Saw an advertisement in google and I am very frustrated with my nose since... birth :)

Just a brief introduction, My nose is really HUGE. Its gigantic. It doesn't suit my face. I'll just post a before and after picture once I started using it. Goodluck to me I really hope it works.

They have 60 day money back guarantee so nothing to lose ^ ^

It looks like this. Silvery thingy and I am really enticed buying it! Delivery is 10 to 15 days I will just keep you guys posted.

Home Remedies for Removing Unwanted Warts

Are you a believer in home remedies?  It seems as if home remedies have been used since the beginning of time. While a large number of individuals feel that home remedies are only a waste of time, there are others who literally live by them. If properly done, there are a number of health conditions that can be treated or prevented with home remedies. One of those conditions is warts.

Warts are often deemed as unwanted or as unpleasant. This is because they are growths that appear on the skin.  These growths are, almost always, non-cancerous, but they are still unwanted. If you are looking for an effective, but low-cost way to have your wart or warts removed, you may want to think about trying a home remedy. Online you can find a number of these home remedies. If you are interested in getting started, a few popular wart removal home remedies are described below.

Perhaps, the most popular home remedy used to remove warts involves duct tape. It has been said; in fact, it has also been backed by scientific research, that duct tape is effective at removing or eliminating warts. If you are interested in giving this home remedy a try, you will need to apply duct tape to your warts. After keeping the warts covered, for about a week, you will want to remove the tape, soak your wart in water, and then scrub it with a pumice stone.  If your wart does not come off right away, you are advised to repeat the procedure again, for at least another one to two weeks.

It has also been said that aloe is effective at eliminating warts.  You are advised to soak a small cotton ball in aloe, preferably the gel.  After the soaking has occurred, for around about a minute or so, you will want to tape the cotton ball to your wart.  You will want to add aloe to the wart or piece of cotton every few hours.  By leaving the cotton ball in place, with the exception of changing it daily, your wart should fall off in a few days or weeks.

Apparently, caster oil is also considered an effective wart removal remedy. When using caster oil, you will want to apply the oil to your wart. It is then suggested that you rub or massage the area with your fingers.  After doing this day and night for a number of weeks, your wart should disappear.  You could also use caster oil by apply it directly to the wart, twice a day, and by keeping it covered.  By keeping the wart covered with a bandage, only to remove it when changing, the wart should disappear after about three weeks.

The above mentioned home remedies are just a few of the many that you can find online or in a home remedy book.  Additional remedies include using chalk, dandelion, aspirin, bananas, baking soda, papaya, lemon juice, and milkweed.  When choosing a home remedy, it is important to keep the ingredients in mind. You will want to refrain from using any items that you may be allergic to.  If and when you are in doubt, it may be best to choose another home remedy to use.

It is also important to remember, when using home remedies for wart removal, that the results are not guaranteed. Just because one home remedy worked for someone else, it does not mean that it will also work for you.  However, with a wide variety of different home remedies to choose from, you are sure to find at least one successful remedy.

Common Food Allergies

Sunday, September 18, 2011
Do you suspect that you may be suffering from a food allergy?  Or, do you know someone who does have a food allergy?  If you do, you may be looking for more information.  Below some of the common food allergies are listed, as well as information on those allergies.

Milk is a common food that many individuals have allergic reactions too.  Unfortunately, milk is a product that is found in many foods, especially bakery items.  The good news, however, is that milk is relatively easy to replace.  There are a number of substitutes that can be used as an alternative when baking.

As for the items that should be checked, it is important to speak with someone who works in the deli.  Did you know that many delis use the same cutting machines for both cheese and meat?  It is also important to speak with the cooks at a restaurant.  Many restaurants use butter to grease up a grill or to add flavor to some meats, like steaks.  Also, be on the lookout for casein on food labels.  Casein is a derivative of milk and it can cause some allergy sufferers to have a reaction.

Eggs are another common item that many people have allergic reactions to.  The good news is that those who have an egg allergy can use a number of different substitutes, especially for baking.  Did you know that yeast, oil, baking powder, and gelatin can sometimes be used?  You can find exact recipes online or in books, namely cookbooks, that are designed for those with food allergies.

As for the items that should be checked, those who suffer from an egg allergy should use caution with egg substitutes.  Egg substitutes aren’t always designed for those with egg allergies.  Be sure to check to make sure that egg whites are not used.  Also, did you know that eggs are sometimes used to create the foam topping for coffee drinks.  Pasta is another common and unexpected source of eggs.

Another common food allergy that many suffer from is that of a peanut allergy.  Unfortunately, peanut allergies are known to cause the most severe reactions.  If you suffer from or if your child suffers from a peanut allergy, it is important to proceed with caution.  All labels should be read.

As for the items that should be checked, everything should be checked.  It is not uncommon for certain foods to come in different varieties, like where peanuts are included.  These different varieties, where peanuts are included, may all be made on the same machines.  That is why all labels should be read.  It is extra important to be cautious of candy and bakery items.

Fish allergies are also somewhat common.  Fish allergies come in a number of different formats.  Some individuals only have allergic reactions to certain fishes.  It is recommended that you speak with a healthcare professional to see if special tests can be performed.  If not, it may be best to stay on the safe side and avoid all fish products.

As for which products should be avoided, it is a good idea to check all labels.  With that being said, it is important to proceed with caution when eating out.  You never know what foods are made on the same grills or cooking areas.  Also, did you know that some salad dressing and relishes are made with fish products?

Wheat allergies are another common allergy that many suffer from.  The good news is that there are a number of alternatives that can be used in baking.  These alternatives include rice flour and corn flour, just to name a few.

As for what should be checked with a wheat allergy, everything should be checked. When reading food labels, you will find that many state that wheat may be present.  If that is the case, it is best to avoid.  Did you also know that some ice creams are made with wheat?  Most are not, but it is still a wise idea to check all food labels.